Nope I am not talking about someone else...I am talking about me. Yesterday was quite a day. It was open house and our PTSA association meeting. I felt like I had a million things to do...but actually made great progress early in the day which was a good thing. Between Relay for life and PTSA I cannot believe how those two things take so much of my thoughts. Well, I had just wrapped up the last flier I needed to make when a little before two the school calls me. Alina was in the office complaining of a headache and she had a 104 temp...OMG. A year ago I would have thought sinus infection, now I think meningitis and must act NOW!!!
I call the Dr. about 5 times because they were on their lunch break and not answering. They finally answered and told me to bring her right in. Now let's take a moment to go back a couple of days. On Saturday, Alina within five minutes of being at the park, fell off the monkey bars. After an evening of her arm swollen and her complaining of pain I called the pediatrician, who tells me better safe than sorry, take her to the ER and get an xray. 5 hours later (midnight) we find out it's not broken but she bruised the bone,so she'll be sore.
Fast forward to Tuesday afternoon. I do not want to sit another five hours in the ER and I don't have the five hours tonight. So I feel it imperative to get to the Dr. while we can. Remember the school is all the way out in Casmalia? Well a truck got in front of the line and he was open bedded towing an open trailer all full of yard waste. And the trailer has a bad wheel so if he drove over 15 mph he started swerving all over the place. So those of us behind him are get pegged by weeds and are getting frustrated at the lazy pace. I have been asked why I didn't pass him. Well there were three cars between me and him and one at a time they passed. By the time it was my turn, it was a double yellow line the whole time. There were many places the driver could have pulled over and graciously let us by, but apparently he wanted this mom's blood to boil over before doing that. I honked and cussed, to no avail. Finally, I rolled down my window, honked and waved my arm to the right. He actually did move over and let me and the five cars behind me by.
I get to the school and grab the girls and drive straight to the Dr.'s office only to find out they've moved and no one told me. I called and got directions and thought surely I could find it. But no...the building had two separate driveways and I chose poorly. I walked all over that building and found law offices, insurance salesman and a restaurant...but no Dr. I called them again and she described the building I was at perfectly. Where were they? I left the drive way and began sobbing. I pulled into another shopping center parked and cried. My kids thought I had lost it and frankly so did I. They got real quiet as you do with the insane because you don't know what they are going to do next.
I called one last time in desperation and she told me that she would stand out front and wave at me. I went in the correct driveway and saw the nurse waving to me...the building wrapped around the corner, but it doesn't look like it does from the outside...weird optical illusion. I have to say I like the new office, but yesterday I HATED it!!!
Turns out Alina had an ear infection and a throat infection. Two days off of school and antibiotics. I drove home, I think I scarfed down some food, grabbed Bela and drove to the school. Once there I had to take several deep breaths and relax. Our meeting went well and it was nice to see what the kids have been working on.
Today, I have meeting to try to get more hours for my son with Tricoutnies. They allot me 15 per month. Thus far we have only used 13 a month. I want more so we can add more physical therapy. The coordinators boss doesn't even know why she is being stingy. Personally, I think she has something against the OT and that is why she wants her cut out. I need to be strong though...I know what my son needs. So this morning I am trying to relax and clear my head...I am saying some prayers for strength and calm.
As I reflect on yesterday a realization hits me. Each one of us has those crazy lady in the parking lot moments. I just wanted some help and felt really alone for those few minutes, and those few minutes felt like forever!! So next time I see a crazy lady in the parking lot I may be More inclined to ask if she needs help. In a world full of people no one should feel alone. these days often times we are too involved in our own inner dialogue to recognize the desperation of others. I think God gives us these moments to help us realize other people have needs too. My goal, help someone feel not as alone.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So it's been awhile since you've heard from me. Since the girls went on Spring break it has been non stop for this momma. So lets give a quick update.
After spending Easter in San Jose, which was lovely though emotional, we returned to our regularly scheduled programing of school and activities except this mom left mid week and traveled down to Lon Beach. Why you ask? Well for PTA of course. I was fortunate enough to be selected as a delegate from our district and boy am I glad I was. I learned a lot about what PTA is and what it's not and what my role as President will be next year. Yep you heard right, this person who dreads public speaking more than just about anything is going to be president next year. But I am excited and I feel more prepared now than I thought I would. I got to hear a lot of inspiring speakers including the first ever PE teacher selected as CA teacher of the year. We got to see all the reflections winners and now I see why it's such a passion for so many...we have some talented and creative kids!!
So coming back from that experience I had to jump right into planning party mode. My lovely oldest made her First Communion that following Satruday. It was lovely, though performed by a priest we'd never met, he did a good job of making the mass be about the kids and speaking ot them at their level. they even got to kneel around the Altar during the Eucharistic prayer. The next day Bella was excited to go to church because, "I get to recieve Holy Eucharist with you guys!" Dad and mom were quite proud and she looked beautiful in her dress made with love by Nana. I posted a picture so you can see how beautiful the moment was for us.
The following week our oldest also turned 8. As one friend put it "your kids are now reaching milestones in their did that happen?" I don't know it really does go by too fast.
At our last assesment of Jasz Dr. Carter requested that he recieve physical therapy as well as occupational therapy. It took us a while to determine if her prescription really meant that or not but yes it does. so we are adding a new therapist to Jasz' calander and her name is Kate. The only problem is the hours. I am a little bit in advocate mode. The Coordinator for our case wants to cut the Ocupational therapist out in order to add her but legally we can go up to 15 hours a month without needing special approval. So why the issue. i have a meeting next week to push for keeping our OT and getting PT. Now some may be asking why I would push for this as I was not a huge Sherry fan in the beginning. well she's grown on me, and on Jasz. She has gotten comfortable and because of that they work well together now and she has helped us through many hurdles. The most recent is like a miracle to me. She suggested two things for getting Jasz to try more meats and veges (like any at all). 1. get the green machine juice and 2. use the vibrating tooth brush like I told you to at the beginning. Well I have been diligently doing both for about a week and a half. Guess what? This week he has eaten what has been served to him for dinner all but one night...and it was not procesed meat. It was chicken I roasted!! and he ate vegetables...Edemame and Corn. WOOHOO!!! break through. And he loved that we were so proud of him...hopefully the trend continues. So next week I have my dreaded meeting and I am praying for strength and confidence.
Thanks for all the positive vibes and keep them coming they truly do help!!
God Bless
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My Modern Miracle
okay so how's this for a modern "Miracle" in 2006 and early 2007 I got what they called recurrent Optic neuritis. They never figured out the cause but the Flu shot I got that fall was suspect. The second bout left me with permanent vision loss in my left eye to the point of being legally blind in that eye. I was told a year later that whatever vision I had remaining in that eye would be all I would ever have...the nerve was permanently damaged....
Yesterday I went to the eye Dr. because my vision has been I was told I absolutely need to go every year because I can not afford to have damage to my Right eye as it is my only good eye. I had suspected my vision had improved in the left eye, but I couldn't imagine that to be actually true as I was told it would never improve in that eye (by multiple Dr.'s).
So imagine my surprise when he told me I was right...for an unexplainable reason my vision improved in my left eye and is unchanged in my right eye. They can't explain it but my optic nerve seems to be regenerating!! I am no longer considered legally blind in my left eye.
Yesterday I went to the eye Dr. because my vision has been I was told I absolutely need to go every year because I can not afford to have damage to my Right eye as it is my only good eye. I had suspected my vision had improved in the left eye, but I couldn't imagine that to be actually true as I was told it would never improve in that eye (by multiple Dr.'s).
So imagine my surprise when he told me I was right...for an unexplainable reason my vision improved in my left eye and is unchanged in my right eye. They can't explain it but my optic nerve seems to be regenerating!! I am no longer considered legally blind in my left eye.
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