His latest statement when he doesn't want to or sometimes can't do what is being asked of him is: "I can't, it's too big for me!" Well now isn't that philosophically deep for a 2 year old? I of course say that with jest, but I got to thinking that sometimes I feel just that way, that things are too big for me.
I know of course though, that God equips us with abilities we don't always realize we have. So, where I think things are too big for me, I must proceed forward. In the end, God has equipped me and that for which I am unequipped, God is bigger.
Some days I think 3 kids is too big for me and my patience is down to zero. I have literally taken to escaping to my room to kneel and bow my head in prayer to God. I pray for the patience that alludes me and the wisdom to say the right words to my 8 year old daughter who is going on sixteen. It never ceases to amaze me that I come out with the right words. I most of the time don't even know what I am going to say until it is out of my mouth. Then I watch in amazement as my daughter responds to my new take.
So yes many things are too big for us, but as Veggie tales says, "God is Bigger..." I used to have great ideas and shrink away from their actual execution, for fear that I would fail and/or be embarrassed. Lately, I have taken on these projects with gusto. For example, I led a Veterans day assembly for my kids school. I had the idea, I followed it through and I mc'd the event. Those who know me, know how much I LOVE public speaking and attention. However, I spoke without the shaky nervous voice. I had confidence. The Superintendent was there as were 2 assistant superintendents and this did not even make my nerves overreact. I realized afterwards why. The idea was not mine, God planted it and wanted His work completed. His reassuring hand was with me. As a result of me trusting in His Divine wisdom, I was able to have an impact on every person in that room. I have been told as much repeatedly. I tell this story not to boast, but in amazement. You see a year ago, I would have thought of the idea, but I would have almost given up before I started, letting fear rule me.
I thought I was strong after having children, but I think it has been my journey with Jasz that has given me my voice. Who knows what the next leg of this journey will be. What I do know is that with God, there is nothing that is "too big for me!"